
An independent mediator can help to facilitate discussions between you as a neutral third party.  The mediator will assist you to identify the information which is necessary to enable you to make informed decisions, can help you to generate settlement options and reality test those options to identify the best solution for you in the individual circumstances of your family.

If you agree on a proposal which you wish to take forward the mediator can draw this up for you into a Memorandum of Understanding which your individual lawyers can convert into a court order by consent if appropriate.

If appropriate your lawyers can be involved in the mediation and the mediator can invite other independent neutrals into the process to assist with emotional, financial or parenting issues.  These professionals can include Family Consultants or Financial Experts.

It’s about looking forward and not back, finding solutions and avoiding destructive confrontation.

So why could mediation work for you?

  • You can focus on what is important to you and resolve matters quickly.
  • If there are children they will benefit as they will be the focus. It can provide a very powerful message as the children will see you, as parents, resolving differences constructively together
  • You can achieve flexible and creative solutions adapted to your needs.
  • The process is straightforward and eliminates the opportunity for misunderstanding.
  • The goal is to enhance communication through the process, to lay the foundations for a healthy relationship afterwards.
  • The process is confidential.
  • You will benefit from working together with an independent third party who is completely neutral. You have control of your own process and working with one person can be a cheaper option.

What issues are suitable for the model?

  • Separation/dissolution and divorce
  • contested probate disputes
  • pre and post nuptial agreements
  • living together agreements
  • Arrangements for children
  • Financial Settlements