Couples Counselling

Going to therapy as part of a couple in good times can be helpful.   This is even truer in times of difficulty.  A lot can be gained by speaking freely and openly with an impartial person.  A third person brought into the relationship can help both people express more freely what they need to say.    When we realise we are in trouble we often can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel and our troubles may seem overwhelming.  It may make us turn to divorce as a way out of what appears to us as an impasse.

Is this an impasse?   Is divorce the only step left to take?  Does our partner accept where we are?  Having a third party to guide us through this stage can help understanding and acceptance.   Sometimes a few sessions will help us discover other options or help us to see things in a different light, maybe see our partner in a different light.

While divorce is primarily a legal matter, the subject is also full of emotion that often remains unattended for a long time, causing great distress to the whole family. Therapy where we can talk about the whole family can bring much needed emotional stability, support and understanding, something which the legal service alone cannot supply.   A joint a process involving a neutral third party is the best way of enabling this vital dialogue between you.

  • Leia Monsoon

    Leia Monsoon

    Family Consultant Individual & Couple Counsellor