Children’s Support

If you are worried about your children or feel that your child is struggling with the changes to your family and you feel they need some extra support, we are able to offer both Family work and Family therapy.

Family work would typically involve meetings with different members of the family, in differing combinations.  It can aid you to gain perspective, different views and feelings in regard to a particular issue, e.g. a disagreement about contact.  It might include discussion, or observed contact, and is usually very concrete and task focused.

Another option is to have you come to sessions with a practitioner to help you understand the situation, gain insight and equip you as parents to support your children.

If you feel like your child could benefit from therapy we can link you to recommended child therapists to help your child with any issue causing concern or distress.

  • Penny Coombes

    Penny Coombes

    Family Consultant Parenting after Parting Practitioner