So why consider Arbitration?

If you have been unable to reach agreement then rather than having to go to court Family Law Arbitration run by the Institute of Family Law Arbitrators (IFLA) might be the solution. As with the court process, you end up with a legally binding agreement (“the Award”).

So why consider Arbitration?

                    Choice – you are involved in the choice of the Arbitrator ie the right person with the right experience to decide the issues in your case.

                    Speed – the process is at a pace that suits you.

                    Privacy – the “hearings” are conducted in private and they are no-one’s business but yours. If confidentiality is important to you, then the process is ideal.

                    Convenience – the “hearings” will be on a date, time and at a venue that suits you.

                    Focus– the issues will be those you want resolved (including costs).

                    Cost – as Arbitration is more focused and quicker, it should be cheaper than the court process.

What can the IFLA scheme cover?

  • financial and property disputes arising from the breakdown of a relationship ( whether unmarried, married or civil partners)
  • financial provision for children
  • inheritance issues arising from claims against an estate.