How does the Collaborative model differ from the traditional Court process?

• It will ensure that you and your spouse/partner have a voice and are in control of the process. If the Court is involved this can be dictated by a Judge.

• By avoiding Court no evidence needs to be given.

• You will benefit from the strength of two lawyers working together rather than in opposition to one another.

• The process is confidential, whereas the Court process has been recently opened up to allow a media presence.

• The process is very much a future-focused process and the aim is that you work with and not against your partner. In contrast, the Court process can become a battleground.

• Compared with the traditional Court process it can provide better value for money, particularly if long term solutions are achieved.No guarantee can be given that either process will definitely work.  Nevertheless, with an open and transparent approach and a genuine desire to achieve what is best for both parties not a “what’s in it for me” attitude, lasting solutions can be found with significantly less financial and emotional cost to the family.

• You can focus on what is important to you and resolve matters quickly.

• If there are children they can benefit as the process will focus on the children first. You can achieve a more flexible and creative solution adapted to your needs.

• The process is straightforward and eliminates the opportunity for misunderstanding.

• The goal is to enhance communication through the process and to lay the foundations for a healthy relationship afterwards.

• Where there are children it can provide a very powerful message as the children will see their parents resolving differences constructively together.

• The process is confidential. How does the collaborative model differ from the traditional court route?

• It will ensure that you and your spouse/partner have a voice and are in control of the process. If the Court is involved this can be dictated by a Judge.

• By avoiding Court no evidence needs to be given.

• You will benefit from the strength of two lawyers working together rather than in opposition to one another.

• The process is confidential, whereas the Court process has been recently opened up to allow a media presence.

• The process is very much a future-focused process and the aim is that you work with and not against your partner. In contrast, the Court process can become a battleground.

• Compared with the traditional Court process it can provide better value for money, particularly if long term solutions are achieved.No guarantee can be given that either process will definitely work.  Nevertheless, with an open and transparent approach and a genuine desire to achieve what is best for both parties not a “what’s in it for me” attitude, lasting solutions can be found with significantly less financial and emotional cost to the family.