Collaborative Lawyer & Mediator
Lynne is a family lawyer with over 30 years’ experience. In 2011 Lynne established her own firm specializing in a non-adversarial approach to dealing with relationship breakdown for couples and families. This may be within a collaborative family process, constructive negotiation or family mediation. Lynne no longer goes to court believing that separating couples should have control over their own decision making and she works with her clients to find a constructive solution, looking to the future and not dwelling on the past.
Lynne embraces working with other professionals as part of a team and believes that accessing the right support and advice at the beginning of the process can help a couple to ensure that they work positively to redefine their relationship, and their relationship as parents where children are involved, and to resolve other aspects of their separation, including reaching agreement regarding financial settlement. Having a professional support network in place is essential and working to resolve potential disputes amicably will avoid a great deal of pain.
This is why she works closely with the Sussex Family Solutions Team which provides wide ranging skills to help couples work through all the issues which arise when a relationship ends. The team provides appropriate advice and support at each stage of the process and this ensures that full support can be found in one place. This leads to a bespoke service where signposting to the right support for each issue is key. Not only does this provide a more emotionally supported process but often also limits the costs which are associated with a more traditional or court approach.
Lynne is a collaborative practitioner, accredited family mediator and a hybrid mediator. She regularly works alongside a family consultant, particularly where children are involved.
Lynne Passmore
Lynne Passmore Family Law
Tel: 07554 887985