Category: Post


    The pain and anxiety experienced by parents when their relationship breaks down is often compounded by concerns about the impact on their children. During a time of emotional distress, child inclusive mediation can help parents to keep their children’s needs at the forefront of their decision-making. The recommendation that all children aged 10 years and…

  • New Year New Beginnings

    Changes to the Divorce Process in 2022 The government’s Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 was passed in June 2020 and will implement major reform to the divorce process, becoming law on 6 April of this year. Sussex Family Solutions have been active campaigners in the move toward no-fault divorce, successfully lobbying our local MP’s…

  • Family Mediation Week

    Family Mediation Week

    This week is national family mediation week – you can find out more about what is going on at Here are some reasons why you may wish to consider using family mediation to work out your future arrangements Family mediation is a way for families to manage changes that arise when they decide that…

  • Defusing conflict with language 

    Defusing conflict with language 

    The words we use are important. As George Orwell once stated “the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts…if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” Using language that is outdated, inappropriate or confrontational can have significant consequences when trying to resolve issues and find solutions as a…

  • A Multidisciplinary Team

    A Multidisciplinary Team

    By Penny Coombes Sussex Family Solutions set up over a decade ago.  It grew out of an idea that there must be a better way of helping separating couples through their relationship breakdown in a more non-adversarial way, and that if we pooled our experience and professional expertise, we could achieve better outcomes for people. …

  • Hybrid Mediation Case Study

    Catherine & Tom Catherine and Tom were a high conflict married couple who had already been separated for over a year when they instructed their lawyers. Tom was a high-earning lawyer working in the city and Catherine had stopped training as a teacher to care for their three children (one aged 13 and twins aged…

  • Taking the Fear out of Divorce

    Taking the Fear out of Divorce

    I have been working as a Family Consultant since 2011. I work with couples, families, individuals and at times children who have experienced a high level of conflict during the break down of a relationship. I work within and alongside legal frameworks, such as in mediations, collaborative processes or alongside the courts.  In my experience…

  • Lockdown Separation

    Lockdown Separation

    With Lockdown upon us, and people feeling trapped in marriages they want to leave, for us professionals in Family Law, now more than ever, is the time we are thinking of how to reduce adversity in our work with clients. Being stuck together with health worries, possibly financial worries too and no where to go…

  • Divorce and changes to the new State Pension

    Divorce and changes to the new State Pension

    The switch to the new state pension in April 2016 brought some significant changes….

  • The role of a family consultant

    The role of a family consultant

    When people are dealing with difficult experiences, such as separation and divorce, it is often…